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Road Map

On September 25, 2020, the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies 2021- 2025 Road Map was launched. The 2021-2025 Road Map is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic

The 2021-2025 Road Map maintains a strategic focus on collective action and enhanced accountability. It reflects the essential components of an effective humanitarian response to GBV identified under the first Road Map, builds on the achievements and learning of the last five years, and addresses the ongoing gaps that require urgent action.

The Road Map sets out core principles that are foundational to the collective efforts of the partnership and are critical to achieving the vision of the Call to Action. As members of the Call to Action, partners affirm the goal, objectives, and core principles of the initiative. 







































The Action Plan is the central component of the Road Map. It lays out the priority outcomes and transformative action areas to meet the Call to Action’s goal and objectives. Under each Outcome, there are Key Action Areas - broad areas of action that are needed to achieve the Outcome. Partners make measurable commitments to at least two specific KAAs. Taken together, their commitments represent the collective action and accountability that are the hallmarks of the initiative. It is only by taking such concrete steps that it will be possible to achieve the six Outcomes that have been set out in the Road Map by 2025.


























The Call to Action annual progress report highlights collective progress on the aims of the Call to Action. It is based on partner reports on their commitments to KAAs and the measurement of indicators to monitor progress in achieving the Outcomes.


The goal of the Call to Action is to drive change and foster accountability within the humanitarian sphere so that every humanitarian effort, from the start, includes the policies, systems, and mechanisms necessary to provide safe and comprehensive services to those affected by GBV, to prevent GBV, and mitigate GBV risks, especially violence against women and girls.


1. Establish specialized GBV services and programs that are accessible to anyone affected by GBV and are available from the onset of an emergency.

2. Integrate and implement actions to prevent GBV and to mitigate GBV risk across all levels and sectors of humanitarian response from the earliest stages of an emergency and throughout the program cycle.

3. Mainstream gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls throughout humanitarian action.

Core Principles

  • Accountability to affected populations is paramount in implementing the Call to Action. The meaningful participation and leadership of affected populations, in particular women and girls, must be ensured.

  • GBV and gender inequality are inextricably linked. To end GBV, systemic equality between women and men must be established.

  • Women and girls are a priority focus for the Call to Action because of their documented higher risk of GBV, the overarching discrimination they experience, and their lack of safe and equitable access to humanitarian assistance. 

  • An intersectional approach is key for effective survivor-centered programming. This requires an understanding of how aspects of a person’s social and political identities might combine or intersect to heighten protection risks.

  • The engagement, leadership, and participation of local organizations and  local leaders, particularly women and women’s organizations, is critical to effective humanitarian action.

  • Sustained collective action and accountability by all partners in the humanitarian system— every level and across all sectors—are essential to achieve the goal of the Call to Action

2021-2025 Road Map Outcomes


Outcome 1. Policy Frameworks and Capacity

Actors working in humanitarian settings have the institutional and system-wide policies and capacity to address GBV, promote gender equality, and ensure accountability.


Outcome 2. Coordination

Effective coordination within the GBV sector, and between other relevant actors and the GBV sector, ensures action and accountability to prevent and respond to GBV at all levels of the response.


Outcome 3. Data, Assessment, and Analysis

Data on GBV and gender is collected, shared, stored, and analyzed safely and ethically in consultation with GBV and gender experts, and supports humanitarian planning, programming, and funding decisions.


Outcome 4. Funding

Sufficient funding is provided for GBV and gender equality staffing, interventions, initiatives, and programs during every phase of emergency response.


Outcome 5. Specialized GBV Programming

GBV prevention and response programming, including specialized services, that meet the InterAgency Minimum Standards for GBV in Emergencies Programming are implemented in every phase of Emergency response.


Outcome 6. GBV Risk Mitigation

GBV risk mitigation and promotion of gender equality are effectively integrated into program design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation across all humanitarian sectors in line with the IASC Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action.

Disclaimer: the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the current Lead of the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies and, therefore, in line with the Roadmap 2021-2025, responsible for maintaining this website for the duration of the Lead. The information and views set out do not necessarily reflect the view of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

©2022 by Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies.

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